In this post we will learn to print "Hello World!" using C programming language. In order to print a specified message we need to write the following code snippet.

/* preprocessor directives */

int main()
/* printf() displays the specified message on the output screen */
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;

In above program the line we encountered is started with /*....*/ which is comment and is not printable in the output screen. It is written in order to understand the aim of the statement. It is good for the programmers to write comments.

Then we get to the header files stdio.h and conio.h which helps to include the standard input/output and console input/output with the help of #include preprocessor.

After that we encountered the main() function which shows the start of the main function of the program as the name implies. And then we found the printf() function which carries the message needs to be printed in the output screen.

printf ("Hello World!");

Note that every statement in the program ends with the semi-colon (;) which is compulsion in C programming language. 

And finally, we reach to the end of the program printing the specified message in the printf() function to the output screen.

Final output will be given as below.

Hello World!